Prestashop Addons Modules and Extensions - Kbizsoft


There are 5 products.

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Clean Url - SEO Friendly...

Ready to get higher rankings? Create SEO-friendly URLs for your store to optimize natural search for your business on all search engines with the PrestaShop SEO Friendly URL module.


  • Convert URL into SEO-friendly URL
  •  Improve your rankings
  •  Create duplicate URL report
  •  Remove auto-generated Ids/numbers
  •  Compatible with simple blog module, advanced search 4 modules, and professional blog module
6 Reviews
$79.00 -37.97% $49.00

  • -37.97%

Save For Later Module...

Isn’t it interesting to save your desirable products in a cart for later purchase? YES!  

A Prestashop Module Save For Later, allows you to add it to your store’s products. The product you put into later will be displayed on the cart page, and customers can easily relocate their products and add it to carts for the final purchase. 


  • Free to add many items as you much you want
  • AJAX support for add to cart button
  • One click away to add your items from the cart to save for later bucket
  • Highly responsive display and mobile view
  • Compatible with various themes and Prestashop Module
1 Reviews
$49.00 -40.81% $29.00

  • -40.81%

Prestashop Instock Notifier

Prestashop Instock Notifier is designed to enhance the user experience

It allows the customers to be notified via email whenever the product is back in store. This also quickly identifies the products that are huge in demand and restock them in time, so no user runs out of sales.


  • Shows an email subscription form for products that are out of stock
  • When wanted items are refilled, customers are informed
  • Reflects the lack of inventory and sales
  • Additionally, visitors can sign up for alerts
  • Enhance the shopping experience for customers
1 Reviews
$49.00 -40.81% $29.00

  • -40.81%

Prestashop One Page Checkout

Prestashop One-Page Checkout Module is designed to enhance the user experience.

It will simplify the checkout process by reducing the number of steps to only one and allowing your customers to buy the products in just a single tap.


  • All checkout steps brought on a single page.
  •  Process is fast and easy.
  • Admin can change the layout format.
  •  Enhance the shopping experience for customers
1 Reviews
$60.00 -51.66% $29.00

  • -51.66%

Order Tracking Module in...

PrestaShop Order Tracking enables customers to conveniently check the status of their online orders. Enhance the shopping experience and encourage repeat purchases by providing customers with real-time order tracking information.


Easy-to-Use Order Tracking for Buyers.

Support Admins in Creating and Setting Up Order States.

Enable Admins to Customize Order States with Icons.

Enable admins to modify order states to reflect the current order status.

Enable admins to pick templates that buyers will see for each order state.

Easy-to-Use Frontend Interface for Tracking Orders.


Yet to be reviewed...

$60.00 -18.34% $49.00

  • -18.34%